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Family Pictures in Tofino || Ching Family || Chesterman Beach

family pictures in Tofino
family walk on the beach during their family pictures in Tofino | Photographed by Kaitlyn Shea
girl holds her dog during family pictures in Tofino | Photographed by Kaitlyn Shea
family members walk toward the ocean during family pictures in Tofino | Photographed by Kaitlyn Shea
sisters smile for the camera during family photos in Tofino | Photographed by Kaitlyn Shea
dogs smiling for the camera during family pictures in Tofino | Photographed by Kaitlyn Shea
family standing together on the beach during their family pictures in Tofino | Photographed by Tofino photographer Kaitlyn Shea
parents stand togther and smile for the camera during family pictures in Tofino | Photographed by Kaitlyn Shea
sisters pose on the beach during their family pictures in Tofino | Photographed by Kaitlyn Shea
family walking on the beach together during their family pictures in Tofino | Photographed by Kaitlyn Shea
Mom stands with her daughters on the beach during their family pictures in Tofino | Photographed by Kaitlyn Shea

The Ching family had had quite the day before I met them for their family pictures in Tofino at sunset. They had ridden bikes all the way from the Wickaninnish Inn (where they were staying) to far end of South Chesterman Beach and then when they turned around to ride back, they could barely peddle because of the strong head wind. They had to walk their bikes back to the hotel!

We got a beautiful evening on the beach and I had a great time getting their two dogs to smile for the camera haha! I absolutely love taking family pictures in Tofino because the scenery is amazing and it's so easy to relax in front of the camera when you are on a beautiful beach, which always shows in the photos. If you are interested in getting some family pictures in Tofino, you can head over to my contact page and send me a note or to see some more family pictures in Tofino, take a peek at the Hawse family's pictures on Mackenzie Beach.



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